Hey Yall, since I am officially a resident of a small southern town, I will resume using yall as often as possible! It feels so good... Love this place! I am missing our family home, our cherished friends and family everyday. But for the sake of positivity I will say this move thus far, blessing! Blessed by those that really showed up and made our time there matter - and those that met us here to help us become one with our new home...
Anyways, to the blog title - Our Son - we have a son! I can't believe it. Mothers intuition has nothing on Gods purposeful plan for Chase and I's SON! I was convinced it was a girl, there were moments of doubt, but for the most part I was sure. God really wanted to surprise me, and boy did He, literally. When they told me, I started laughing hysterically and I could not stop. I have a son, I have now settled and am overjoyed and overwhelmed. I feel like it is really starting over, not just a baby but a whole new set of rules and teachings and promises.
Elizabeth, I cherish teaching her how to become a woman of God; something I have been taught, I have attempted to closely live out, and it comes so much more natural to me to understand a girl! Boys become leaders, heads of households, so God just gave me a household! I am truly freaking out! Raising a boy to become a man of God and loving Him, and then being the kind of man I was blessed enough to marry; Our son becoming that, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it!
Women are raised to do amazing things, some going beyond what I even believe they were ever taught or readied for. Yet, not in a holier or better way but with Men the bar has been set, all a man should be laid out. Raising them to become like our perfect example, raising them to be like their Heavenly Father. WOW! It's a lot, and God trusted me with a son! I am overwhelmed!
In being the name crazed momma I am, I take more stock in the name meaning then in the actual name itself - thankfully every name has history even if you make it up - the parts came from somewhere - but I am also a traditional gal, so I don't tend to make up names! Our Son, we had no names in mind or even a list when we went to the appt to see Him, but we prayed that if it was a boy God would tell us his name. So after finding out "ITS A BOY," and my hysterically laughing subsided I started to let people know we have a son!!!! Immediately a friend text, "Jackson" - I sarcastically turned to Chase and said "Jessica says we should name him Jackson" Chase's response "I actually was thinking Jack." Then I get to work and my sweet co-workers, a huge part of my daily life had made a list of names for our son and Jack was at the very top.
Since I do not believe in coincidence at all, I started looking into what Jackson means. Jackson means son of Jack - but Jack is derived from John. John, the cousin and the feet sent to prepare the way for Jesus' earthly ministry. It means God is gracious, and He is. The middle name I knew I wanted something different, that started with an A, that was also biblical. We stumbled through a huge list of obscure biblical names and found Abram, which to me isn't that different, but enough. Abram means high, lifted, or exalted. Jackson Abram "God is gracious and exalted." I could leave it there but I believe in the legacy of this name. Gracious people are loved, but often can be taken advantage of or stepped over. Yet God is gracious and lifted up, we praise Him for His graciousness. Forgiving, compassionate, merciful, kind, and generous all qualities of Gods graciousness in the bible. My husband is a gracious person, a gift from God to him, nurtured by his own earthly father. Many times because of his gracious nature and giving spirit I know Chase could have been looked over, but God made him looked at. Others love and respect Chase because of his graciousness. Its a legacy that I pray Jackson will become like, following the gracious nature of his Heavenly Father and his earthly one; waiting for God to lift him up, instead of the world! Again, it's a lot but a challenge I am honestly ready for!
If you have scripture or encouragement for our son, post below or on facebook - I would love to share them with him and pray the words of God over him!
"Lord God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven or on earth, keeping His gracious covenant with Your servants who walk before You with their whole heart." 2 Chronicles 6:14