So I am a working mommy now, not like full-time, but part-time and at night, oh, and Saturdays. Chase told E today that I was at work because she finally realized I wasn't around as much, and so all night she said "Mommies working." He said it was cute, I bet it was!!!
Anyways, going to work makes you talk with strangers. Here I am trying to get to know these women I work with (and I really like them...) but, they are still strangers. I have worked 3 whole days now, GO ME, and tonight I shared the chunk of my life that is my hard. I felt weird doing so, I didn't want them to think I am out for pity, but at some point I have to face that this is who I am; and if they ask me about my kids, well, I respond "How well do you want to know me?" If they say anything that means "I want to know you well." I am going to share it. Okay, so I am talking to strangers, I am praying that what I say and what they receive my words to be are the same thing. I am praying that in the end they don't hear me at all. Instead I hope they hear a loving God, one whose love pours out on me like an unending river to my heart (check this out A river strong enough to erupt from inside of me, to them. I like talking with these strangers, I know God does........